Testbeds and Tools


D-Cube is a low-cost tool that allows to accurately profile the end-to-end delay, reliability, and power consumption, of low-power wireless sensor nodes, as well as to graphically visualize their evolution in real-time. Developed at TU Graz, Autria, This tool has been used to set-up the EWSN 2016, 2017 and 2018 dependability competitions.

Two scientific papera about D-Cube were published

  • at the 14th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN). Available here.
  • at the 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench). Available here.

More on GitHub


FlockLab is a wireless sensor network (WSN) testbed, developed and run by the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland.

FlockLab's key features include:

  • FlockLab's observer based testbed architecture which provides services for detailed testing of sensor nodes:
  • Time accurate pin tracing
  • Time accurate pin actuation
  • Power measurements
  • Serial interface logging and writing
  • Voltage control to simulate e.g. battery depletion

More on www.flocklab.ethz.ch


Indriya is a three-dimensional wireless sensor network deployed across three floors of the School of Computing , at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The Testbed facilitates research in sensor network programming environments, communication protocols, system design, and applications. It provides a public, permanent framework for development and testing of sensor network protocols and applications. Users can interact with the Testbed through an intuitive web-based interface designed based on Harvard's Motelab's interface. Registered users can upload executables, associate those executables with motes to create a job, and schedule the job to be run on Testbed. During the job execution, all messages and other data are logged to a database which is presented to the user upon job completion and then can be used for processing and visualization.

More on indriya.comp.nus.edu.sg


IoT-LAB provides a very large scale infrastructure facility suitable for testing small wireless sensor devices and heterogeneous communicating objects.

IoT-LAB features over 2000 wireless sensor nodes spread across six different sites in France.  Nodes are either fixed or mobile and can be allocated in various topologies throughout all sites.  A variety of wireless sensors are available, with different processor architectures (MSP430, STM32 and Cortex-A8) and different wireless chips (802.15.4 PHY @ 800 MHz or 2.4 GHz).  In addition, “open nodes” can receive custom wireless sensors for inclusion in IoT-LAB testbed.

More on www.iot-lab.info